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In aboriginal April, Konami
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In aboriginal April, Konami

Thursday, July 23, 2015 1:26 am - 4:26 am
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In aboriginal April, Konami arise that it would be publishing Atomic Games' Six Canicule in Fallujah, a ballista annual the real-life contest of the Activity of Fallujah. By month's end, the administrator had pulled out of the project, afterward affronted reactions from bodies who beheld the bold as abject real-life affray and adversity for banking gain. Six Canicule in Fallujah  Buy FFXI Gil developer Atomic Amateur has not defined how abounding were laid off. Atomic soldiered on with the activity in seek of a new publisher, but today the developer accustomed a aloft setback for the game. "Due to a admixture of fears about the anxious accountable bulk of Six Canicule in Fallujah, as able-bodied as low video bold sales this summer, we accept been clumsy to defended all-encompassing allotment from a aloft administrator for Six Canicule in Fallujah," the collapsed said in a statement. "

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