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Well it appears that we have a few Typical Political Religious Nut Bag Zealots here in the good ol' Bible Belt (Missouri / Kansas), that seem to think / Believe - that "WE", as Adults aren't capable of being or Acting like Adults and having a good time - WE seem to have some Politicians and Religious Zealot Whack O's, who want to Cram their Phony Damn Political Agendas down OUR throats rather "WE". like it or Not or accept it ! We here in the Midwest (Bible Belt) - are under Attack by these Phony Politicians, to futher their careers at OUR expense - by any means possible ! Recently - these Phony Politicians - have decided that "STRIP-CLUBS" , are a "DANGER" to Society and the like, and they cause men to commit ..., by going in and watching women Dance half naked on stage or in Bikini's , to Dance Music and where Beer and other drinks are sold , for a Profit to help the Clubs stay open, these Religious Political Nutbags - have decided to pass Legislation to make it Impossible, for many of the Clubs to stay open and operate - and putting many out of work at these Clubs - and out on the streets or worse yet - having to work for far less than they'd make Dancing at these Clubs- many women / girls Dance at these Clubs to put themselves thru Coillege , support their famalies and kids and whatever else. So, with the NEW LAWS, they've passed - it appears the End of an Era is coming - NO MORE fun or nightly enterainment in AMERICA anymore - its coming to an END, because certain idiots in the establishment don't like it, they want you going to Chruch and giving your money there, (of course churches fall under a Tax Exemption status- and don't pay certain Taxes), No more after hours enterainment after Conventions and public meets - no more doing anything, that isn't Religious related around here it appears, and you better be willing to Donate too "$$$" !! Why We just can't have Adults / People of age Enjoying themselves at night, why that'd be Un-American and so against the morals of GOD etc. etc. etc,. Yet these same Political Religious Morons, do absolutely Nothing about those Phony "PAYDAY - LOAN" shops that take advantage of others and Rip them off, apparently thats OK - (political contributions big time ), and they'll think nothing of sending your wife, ... , husband - kids to WAR, under False Pretenses as we all know now, years later (Loved those WMD's)- but by all means don't YOU ever try to go out and unwind and enjoy an evening of Adult Enterainment even if your paying for it out of your pocket - Why it'd be so un-american, and against the Church and its Religious Zealots to do or participate in such Fun Activities ! So, Why is again we Have / Had US Troops overseas Fighting for What again ?? From WW-I- WWII- Korean War - Veitnam - Desert Storm - and this current War , for what again ??? ("FREEDOMS")- Ya, well if we continue to turn a blind eye and say it doesn't involve me, so I could careless, till it Arrives on my front door steps and affects me and my Family / friends, then I will act, but only then - than WE as people of supposed FREEDOM of this country are giving up our FREEDOMS - by not acting and doing somkething to get rid of these Evil Traders of TYRANNY against this Country, its people and what this country stands for ! They are clearly out to enslave YOU, Me, and everybody under Phony False Fraudulent Political / Religious Agendas, that one day, we'll wake up and go - What Happened ?? This isn't the Country it used to be or that I fought for ???? What Happened ???? I provide this Link so that you may see for yourselves, whats happening - this is just the 1st step of many of whats to take place here - and it will continue - So take the time to Click on the Links - read the articles and comments below the articles, by other readers - because SOON - this is going to be coming to a town near YOU !!! Articles ----} s_likely_headed_to_missouri_supreme_court.php#comments Article #2 -----} s_supreme_court.php Article #3 -----} nesses_challenge_ban_on_boobies.php Article #4 -------} victory_against_titties.php Article #5 -------} Writtin & Posted by the 1 and only Crazy Clown ! 3/8/2011
Crazy Clown
Crazy Clown
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