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How We Celebrated the Ob-Inauguration Illustrated!

How We Celebrated the Inauguration and How the American Dream Came True for a Little Chinese Girl!!!!!!











Well the great day finally came and what a day it was!  The caterers’ truck arrived at 7:00 am and I had to pull myself together just to get out of bed and get downstairs to show them in and show them where to put all the food and enormous amounts of beer, liquor and super-sized champagne bottles!







The first to arrive after that was Marty and his sidekick girlfriend Michelle. Marty is from New York originally but transplanted out to LA to work in the music and PR business. He is my number two BLACK BULL.  My number one black bull and the one who introduced me to the scene in Southern California  is Big Leon, who is a colonel in the US Army and is 6’7’ and built like a tank.






Marty started to set up the open bar and turned on the wall-screen television to watch the lead-up shows for the Obama Inaguration. Michelle came upstairs with me and we talked for a while and then went to get my husband Bobby out of bed and help him get dressed and made-up. Michelle owns a beauty salon in San Pedro and is a real artist at her work. Bobby at first wouldn’t come out of the bathroom, saying he couldn’t wear the dress in front of total strangers—in the bedroom was ok but not in front of strangers. Marty had to come up and bang on the bathroom door and tell him just to do it like we rehearsed it and that it wasn’t nuthin to to be worried about because all the people coming were all good people and understood so no worries. Finally Michelle sweet talked him out and we got him into the French maid’s uniform----but he looked like a complete mess----so Michelle went down to her car and got her workbox and  came back up and holed up with Bobby for about an hour and a half-------when he came out what a makeover!  The uniform was great with the garter and stockings and platform shoes!


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As the guests began to park their cars out front the party picked up, though the neighbors complained a bit about all the cars blocking the access road.  About an hour before the BIG MOMENT the beat music was boiling over and some people were dancing and others getting ... out of their minds. Then Big Leon arrived with some of his army buddies from the division in Iraq and their girls and they brought more booze and the party went up a few decibels.




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As the final half-hour approached we were all glued to the wall-screen scene from DC and people were getting rowdy but there was a kind of awestruck seriousness under the party overtones. Then just like we rehearsed Marty brought out the long ottoman and placed it in front of the big screen.





   We looked around for Bobby but he wasn’t there. Marty was looking all over the house for him and getting pissed off hotter and hotter.  “After all that goddamed rehearsing and he’s going to spoil it all?” he shouted at me. I didn’t know what to say as I’m not that good at controlling things going out of control. Finally Marty found him locked up in the upstairs closet and started banging on the door. “Goddam you Bobby we’ve only got 25 minutes and you are ... me off!” ---But Bobby wouldn’t come out so he came back downstairs and told Big Leon.





Big Leon doesn’t take ... from anybody.  He went out to his Cadillac and got out the crowbar and went upstairs and pulled the goddamned closet door off its hinges and pinned Bobby with a police hold and brought him down strung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and pushed him down on the ottoman. “Goddam your eyes—I didn’t do two tours in Iraq just to come back here to let your ass spoil the greatest moment in American history---get your ass down there bitch and stay down” Leon’s buddy gave him two sets of handcuffs and they cuffed him to the ottoman on his belly with his hips hiked up  behind him in the doggy position  and his face propped up facing the big screen TV scene of DC. I pulled off his Victoria's  Secret lavender panties and pulled his cheeks apart.







Michelle took ne upstairs and helped me get into the strap-on---a 14” Super Dong Black Ebony extra-fat that Marty had ordered from the Internet. When I came out of the downstairs bathroom everybody turned and looked and I was really embarrassed and stopped, but Michelle and Marty took each arm and Marty held the shaft so it wouldn’t flop too much as we walked and we walked through the crowd, which parted in the middle to make way for us sort of like Moses parting the waters of the Red Sea, and I felt like a new bride walking down the long church aisle for her wedding!







Then I stood there looking down at Bobby’s ass sticking up in front of me below the nipples of my bare breasts with that big beautiful black as black Super Dong curving down towards him. I could see his legs twitching and he was breathing heavily but he couldn’t say anything, was sort of like in a trance, or the way a deer’s eyes might be caught in the headlights on a road. 


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We were all in awe of President Barak Obama and how he masterfully commanded the whole situation, and the party grew to a hush as the big moment approached and the Supreme Court Chief Justice began to swear in the oath of office over the Bible that Lincoln used. Marty leaned over and smeared Bobby’s asshole with jelly and moved my hips up to place the tip of that beautiful black thing on the squirming lips of Bobby’s out-puckered asshole. 



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As then as that great and wonderful man who is our black President said the magic words “…so help me God!”  With those words I shouted out “Thank God Almighty free at last” and I pulled back hard on Bobby’s shaking love handles and rammed it home about two-thirds of the way up to the beautiful oversized black balls dangling beneath my pussy hair but it seemed to stop short. Big Leon reached his beautiful muscled arms around my hips and humped up behind my ass and putting his beautiful black hands over my little Chinese hands and pulling on Bobby’s hips he humped me home, and as he shouted “God YEEEEEESSSSS!!!!!”  the shaft of that beautiful long and fat black as black Dong rammed and seated home in Bobby’s pinkish white ass until just a thin line of red ... traced around its black shaft and began to trickle down Bobby’s shaking white backside.



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Bobby was in a kind of trance all this time just shaking, but as Big Leon humped me home from behind Bobby’s back kind of arched up like a fat cock about to explode and I grabbed his hair on the back of his head and pulled his face up so that he could see the screen on the wall and I could see the tears flowing uncontrollably from his eyes but he wasn’t really crying, just out of control, and in a voice half-crying and half-coming he  orgasmed out the words, involuntarily repeating Big Leon’s voice “God YEEEEESSSSS!!!!!” 



Then everybody was out of control and even Big Leon had tears in his eyes as we looked up together into the god-like face of our black President Barak Hussein Obama, and the shouting and the tears seemed to come from everywhere and from nowhere, from everyone and no one in particular and just seemed to roll like a tidal wave through  everyone and we were shouting and kissing and jumping and drinking and the bottles of Champagne were popping and popping and popping and Big Leon came over and kissed me on the mouth and Marty kissed me on the cheek and Big Leon picked me up and swirled me around shouting “SARAH I LOVE YOU!!---THIS IS THE AMERICAN DREAM---I HAVE A DREAM, I HAVE A DREAM AND I HAVE SEEN IT COME TRUE AT LAST!!!!!”, dong and all flopping up and down in front of me and everybody was laughing and laughing and laughing and Big Leon picked up one of those gallon Champagne bottles and untwisted the wire on it and bent over Bobby’s ass and the cork flew out and popped Bobby on the back of the skull dazing him and the white suds of Champagne foam flowing down over Bobby’s bare ass and wide-open three inch asshole, some flowing down his but cheeks and some disappearing into the blackness of his gaping hole.







At first after the “God  YEEEEESSS!”  Bobby was crying helplessly and then there was the steady “Ahhh, Ahhhhhh, Ahhhhhhhhhh!”  that was like the plaintive cry of a newborn baby resting on its mothers belly for the first time after being pulled from the womb. Then Bobby became silent, and his eyes  were dialated wide until the pupils were so big so as to be almost  completely black and seemed almost as wide and black  as his gaping three-inch asshole and there was a faint smile of peace and acceptance around his eyes and lips as he stared up into the wall-screen FACE OF HIS BLACK PRESIDENT and it was almost like a holy moment.  He just stared at that beautiful  face of his black president for a full half hour in some kind of mystic trance, while everyone around him was lost in kisses, hugs, drinks, laughter and waves and waves of joy that went on and on.





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After that Big Leon was really ... and took off my strap-on and carried  me up the staircase naked and into the bedroom yelling to the crowd below “Now we gonna really celebrate!!!” and everybody cheered as we disappeared into the bedroom. Big Leon always gets super aggressive when he is ... and I could hardly stay conscious as he gave it to me again and again and again and again and again!  Then he left and Marty came up for sloppy seconds bringing with him a gigantic portrait of our beautiful President Barak Obama and Michelle the First Lady which he lovingly put up over the top of the bedframe, and then we made love and he shot his load up inside me beside Leon’s heavy load  and then he disappeared leaving me alone laying wide open across the bed.


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Then they both came back at the head of the whole crowd following them up the staircase,  leading Bobby one on each elbow, the two of them stark naked and their dicks wet with jizz and Bobby weak kneed in his French Maid’s uniform  and  they pushed Bobby down at the foot of the bed.  We three sat on  the foot of the king sized bed while Bobby kneeled at our feet, and behind him were the whole crowd looking in through the wide open double doors of the master bedroom. The other Michelle, Marty’s girlfriend brought me a beautiful Chinese necklace with a Yin/Yang medallion on it and placed it around my neck and the medallion slid down into the cleavage  between my full and pulsing naked breasts. Marty said, “OK Bobby just like we rehearsed it--------Kow Tow!”  And Bobby’s forehead touched the ground unthinkingly and again and again as he bowed three times to Marty’s beautiful black cock, then turned to bow three time to Big Leon’s gorgeous 11” thick cock with a tip of semen still dripping out of it. Then Bobby bowed down with his eyes full of tears before my open cunt, dripping with black semen, and he bowed and I could hear the heavy thuds as his forehead struck the redwood floor..and I chanted out in Chinese in the beautiful music of Chinese ceremony….one kow tow….two cow tow….three kow tow…..four kow tow…..five kow tow….six kow tow….seven kow tow!” With each kow tow bow I could see the smiling warm faces of our friends looking in from the wide open double doors of the bedroom, and with each kow tow they could see the black of the black gaping three-inch hole of Bobby’s asshole dialated like the dialated pupil of a smoker lost in an opium or hashish dream.  With that he had completed his kow tows to my cunt and Big Leon picked him up by the back of the neck like a naughty kitten and shoved his face between my waiting Chinese legs and sticky haired cunt and the white cream of the black semen spurted out from between my enflamed red pussy lips----coming and coming and coming and flowing and flowing involuntarily like crazy as Bobby’s tongue seemed to be in an apoplectic fit trying to take in every drop.







To finish the ceremony Bobby then kow towed nine times to the giant portrait of HIS BLACK PRESIDENT, which will always hang over this bed in memory of this holy moment in our history.  Nine is a special number in Chinese tradition, reserved only for the Emperor, and Bobby bowed and kow towed nine times, and his forehead thudded  the floor heavily nine times before the beautiful and holy face of that great man, who was now HIS BLACK PRESIDENT.







And the rest of us all went downstairs and danced and partied and got ... out of our minds until dawn the next day while Bobby remained kneeling at the feet of HIS BLACK PRESIDENT like a pilgrim to the holy land kneeling down before the true cross.







And that is the story of how I, Sarah, a little Chinese girl came here to this great land  and SAW THE AMERICAN DREAM COME TRUE, COME TRUE, SAW THE AMERICAN DREAM COME TRUE AT LAST, TRUE AT LAST, THANK GOD ALMIGHTY TRUE AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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All times are GMT. The time now is 11:13 am.