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How to Receive Lifetime Membership to Cuckoldspace

reviewing profile now
The ... from the Middle East
What should i do?
Sale #:
Grand Total:
15.00 USD
Date of sale:
August 17, 2011
Sale status:
User Name:
User Email:
Sale items:
OneTime Access Fee LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP 15.00
lockedboi on YIM
I just posted my 3 video I am trying to get that lifetime membership Smile I am gonna post another one in a sec just letting you know

I will keep this simple we offer Lifetime Membership to members that follow our 3 step process to confirm they are real and there videos are theres. 1. Post a Cuckoldspace stamp Picture. This will get you 100 Points for 1 month membership EXAMPLE: 2. Upload 3 of your Real homemade Videos. 3.We Review your submitted info and approve your account for lifetime If you Fell your profile has these items already Please make a New Forum posting stating Review my Profile



I have posted 4 videos 

and 90 pictures

please let me know if this is enough

thank you

James Smith tscis5
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