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From My warped mind

Let me get some thnigs off my chest here.  My wife, is one of those that waffles on wanting to get herself cuck to a bull.  One moment she does the next she doesn't.  So three months ago she told me to write her an ad and run it.  So I did.

What we got is players, liars and one are two really good prospects.   But they did not enjoy all the questions she asked and the fact she just wanted one of them to say more than one sentence.   She wanted to know they could carry a thought beyond I wanta fuck you bitch.  

So I have to ask is it to much to ask for a guy willing to actually express more than fucking in  e-mails to a women that is trying to  get a feel for that person if she wants to be as she puts it cucked to them.


Topics: wife
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