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Hubby's Friend's Birthday Present

I've been asked about this so many times, that I thought I'd just write it up here to keep from having to repeat myself Smile  I'm not a great writer, but I tried to include the details.  I hope it's not too boring.  Here we go...

I had known hubby's friend "Tony" since hubby and I had first started dating.  He had been my husband's best friend since grade school and was the best man at our wedding.

Although Tony was an attractive guy, he never seemed to have much luck with women, and would often complain to hubby and me about it.  Sometimes I'd catch him looking down my shirt, and he'd laugh and say, "Man, I've really got to get a girlfriend!"

During one of Tony's rants, however, he said something that, for some reason, I took personally.  He said that no woman could ever give him a hand job as well as he could do himself.  I knew he meant it jokingly, but for some reason i took it as a challenge, and the thought persisted frustratingly in my mind long after the topic of conversation had moved on.

When Tony left that night, i asked my husband what he thought of my hand jobs, and would he rather he do it himself-was what Tony had said true?  He told me, as he had many times, that he loved my hand jobs, that I had the perfect touch.  He said that there definitely is an art to it that some girls don't get, but that I got it and he was grateful for it.  He told me that "Tony is full of ....  He's just blowing off steam, you know him as well as I do."

Despite his reassurrance, I was still bothered by Tony's remark.  Half jokingly I said, "Well, I should give him a hand job just to shut him up!"  Hubby laughed and said ,"That would totally blow his mind!"  Then, it was like a light bulb went off in my husband's head.  His face lit up and he said,"You know, Tony's birthday is coming up in a couple months, you should do it for him then!  He would flip out!"  I laughed and said I didn't know if I could do it, but I'd really love to see the look on his face! 

The topic was more or less dropped, but I kept the thought in the back of my mind for the next couple of weeks.  Then, one weekend, Tony was over and he said,"Hey, you guys know my birthday is coming up in a few weeks, I hope you're getting me something good!"  Hubby and I looked at each other and just cracked up.  Tony wondered what was so funny, and hubby told him that money was tight this year and that his gift may not be what he was expecting.  Tony said,"Hey no problem, I'll be happy if you just buy me a beer."  We all laughed.

From that point on, hubby's wheels were turning.  LOL  He planned out the details of Tony's "surprise" and we discussed it almost every night.  We had gone over it so many times, even "rehearsing" it with hubby playing the roll of Tony, it was almost like I had already done it.  I couldn't believe how turned on the whole thing was making my husband, and I must admit that I was definitely intrigued by the situation. 

Finally Tony's birthday rolled around.  Hubby called him up and invited him over for beers and BBQ.  Tony was still completely oblivious!  LOL

When Tony finally arrived at our house, hubby was bursting with excitement.  I was a bit nervous, and a little turned on, but I was really looking forward to changing Tony's mind about his  earlier comments.  Hubby handed Tony a beer as soon as he walked in, and told him Happy Birthday.  He glanced at me quickly, then told Tony he had to go out to get a few more things for the BBQ and that he'd be back in a while.  Tony asked if he wanted him to go along, but hubby told him just to hang out here and relax, that he wouldn't be too long.  Tony sat down on the couch, drinking his beer.  As hubby kissed me goodbye, he whispered "Have fun." in my ear, then turned and walked out the door.   I heard the car start and the garage door go up.  It was all up to me now...

I went out to the living room where Tony was sitting and told him happy birthday.  He jokingly said,"So, what did you guys get me this year?"  I laughed and told him that actually hubby is gtting it for him right now.  Tony replied,"Oh, so that's why I couldn't go along with him, eh?  Pretty sneaky.  Well, can you at least give me a hint?"  I told him that maybe I might be able to give him a small hint...LOL

I stood in front of him, quietly for a moment, summoning my courage.  Tony said,"Well?  What's the hint?  I'm dying to know."  At that, I reached down and unbuttoned my blouse, exposing my white lace bra.  He was speechless as I leaned forward, putting my hands on his thighs and squeezing my cleavage up for him to admire.  His eyes went from mine to my chest and then back to my eyes.  Still he said nothing.  He didn't know what to make of the whole situation.  I stood back up and undid the clasp on the front of my bra, leaving it unhooked, but still covering my breasts.  I leaned forward again, placing my hands on his thighs.  I took his right hand and slid it up under my already loose bra.  He squeezed my breast, then began puling my hard nipple as he slid his left hand onto my other breast.  My bra fell to the sides as i stood up in front of him.  I squeezed my tits, and asked Tony if he liked them.  The bulge in his loose shorts told me the answer before Tony could mutter "Oh my God, YES!" under his breath.   I moved forward and caressed Tony's face with my tits.  His tongue flicked out as my hard nipples crossed his lips.  He grabbed my right tit and began sucking it with abandon.  I wrapped my arms around his head and suckled him as I calculated my next move.  As he sucked my nipples, I maneuvered myself around and began to stroke his chest, slowly working my hands lower.  At this point, I think Tony was under the impression that my tits were his gift, and didn't take notice of where my hands were until I grabbed his hard cock through his shorts.  He froze for a moment and looked at me.  As I began working his cock through his clothes, I asked him if he liked that.  In between breaths he managed to squeak out "Mmmhmmm."  I can't describe how sexy, powerful and turned on i felt at this moment!

I knelt down in front of him and quickly pulled off his shorts and underwear.  His cock was gorgeous and throbbing hard for me.  It jumped as i slid my finger lightly along the shaft.  Tony gasped and gripped the arm of the couch.  Tony's cock was thick, and it felt good in my hand.  I squeezed it from the base as I gently tugged his tight, firm balls with my other hand.  As I stroked him, i looked up and told him how gorgeous I thought his cock was.  I told him that i hoped he didn't mind me staring at it.  His only reply was ,"nnnuhh".  LOL  As I worked him, i studied every inch of his cock.  I can still picture it perfectly in my mind-the gentle curve of his thick shaft, the flaring head, the bulging veins. 

Tony's breath was quickening and he started to squirm, but i didn't want him to cum just yet.  I went back to caressing his shaft lovingly until he seemed to calm down just a bit.  At this point, I retrieved some lotion I had hidden under the front of the couch, and shot a generous amount into my hands.  I rubbed the lotion into my palms, warming it up, then attacked Tony's member with both hands-squeezing and working that wonderful shaft like he'd never known.  He gasped, and closed his eyes tight.  His head was glistening with pre-cum and i could tell he was ready to blow any second.  I slid his cock in between my tits and squeezed them together as he thrust in and out between them.  His cum shot in warm pulses up my chest, my neck and on my chin.  His body spasmed with each new explosion.  When he was spent, I squeezed the last drops of his warm juice onto my nipples-still hard and sensitive from the sucking they had recieved.  His cock was beginning to soften now, so I kissed the head, then helped him pull his shorts back up.  He was still overwhelmed and fumbled with them.  LOL  I stood up, his warm load was running down my chest and dripping from my nipples.  With both hands, i smeared his cum all over my tits until it blended in to my fair skin, then I licked my fingers-unfortunately it tasted like hand lotion.  LOL  Should've used "real" lube.  I re-fastened my bra, buttoned my shirt, kissed Tony on the forehead and said Happy BirthdaySmile  I went to the kitchen to wash the lotion off my hands when i heard the garage door going up (he later told me that  he was hoping to walk in on us).  I dried my hands and ran out to the garage to meet hubby.  His cock was already bulging through his jeans as he got out.  He kissed me deep and long as I squeezed his cock.  He stepped back for a moment and looked at me smiling, then, with his finger, he cleaned a drop of Tony's cum off of my neck and put it into my mouth.  It tasted much better than the hand lotion!  LOL

We went inside and, laughing, hubby said to Tony "Happy birthay, bro!  I hope you enjoyed your gift-it was all I could afford!"  Tony was speechless still, and I knew I had changed his mind.  LOL  We all went out for drinks, celebrated his birthday and laughed.  Later that night, hubby fucked me like never before as I told him the details of what i had done.  To this day, he still asks me to tell him about it and it still turns him on like crazy!

Unfortunately Tony moved away to Seattle for his job just a short time after, and things never went any farther with him.  He has a family of his own now, and we don't see him very often.  I'm not sure if his wife knows what happened between us, so the subject is never brought up, but I can tell by the way he looks at my hands that he hasn't forgotten.


Topics: hand, job
That was an amazingly erotic story!!
wow... what a totally hot story... great writing kate!
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