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Ecstasy 69 in BonoboVille

Crystal Jewels, Jessica Jaymes, Dr. Suzy with Barbara Carrellas’ “Ecstasy Is Necessary,” Dani Danger, Brock Hard, Shay Golden (row 2) Hugo, Donn Dabney, Tasia Sutor, Amanda Blow, Jamie Waterman. Photo: Ajay

Length:126mins40      Date:11/10/2012

From being baptized in the holy water of a squirting orgasm to winning a tough presidential election, from celebrating Max’s 69th birthday to 69ing on a bed of nails, we explore the meaning and experience of ecstasy—in sex, love, politics, nature, drugs, exhibitionism, art, radio and the rest of life, as well as death—both the “little death” and the Big One. 

Ecstasy—that ineffable “out of control” feeling—is especially irresistible to control freaks, such as a certain former director of the CIA.  We talk about how General David Petraeus’ star-crossed romance with his attractive “All In” biographer Paula Broadwell is being gobbled up like a juicy steak by our erotic ecstasy-starved nation, even though hardly anybody really cares whether the guy keeps his marital vows of genital monogamy.  More to the point, as my Counterpunch publisher Jeffrey St. Clair noted as soon as Petraeus apologized, “Killing babies and wedding parties didn’t bother his conscience in the least…” And here he is prostrating himself over a consensual affair (more coming soon).

Also in the Bad News Department:  We talk about LA’s newly passed “Nanny State” Measure B, how it’s unconstitutional and impossible to enforce, but still will be a horrible pain in the porn industry’s shaved asshole, not to mention a terrible loss in revenue for LA County.

But most of this show ecstatically rings in the Good News of my beloved hubby Capt’n Prince Max’s 69th royal birthday, surrounded by 69ing couples, ecstatic to be alive and rather well, together in the midst of the communal ecstasy of our BonoboVille.  Many have tried to take this wonderful man down, from police in three different states to members of his own family (one of whom is even in Womb Room during this show!) to the Big C itself.  But Prince Max has prevailed, published and prospered.

And, as the Big O(bama) just promised when we extended our presidential love affair four more years, “The best is yet to come.” And cum!


Featured Guests:

Barbara Carrellas: Visionary “urban tantrika,” sex educator,  and author of the marvelous new Hayhouse book Ecstasy is Necessary: A Practical Guide, this is Barbara’s second time on RadioSUZY1, appearing via Skype live from New York, beaming ecstatically despite the über-lousy weather.  We talk about the many different types of ecstasy one can experience, from naturegasms to foodgasms to to gigglegasms to wargasms (yes, unfortunately, some find ecstasy in on the battlefield, and no, ecstasy knows no morality) to her own exciting, no-touch orgasm in an fMRI machine (despite her intense claustrophobia!) documented by the Learning and Discovery Channels .  Although she is 3000 miles away in cold, damp New York, Barbara shares the warmth of the Womb Room as we frolic and explore, inspired by her book and our need to break on through to the other side of the everyday and enter the realm of ecstasy.  We also talk about how ecstasy—especially those deep gigglegasms—can help in the battle with the Big C which Max is (so far) beating with this big stick and which Barbara’s amazing partner Kate Bornstein is courageously fighting right now.

Jessica Jaymes:  Last time this sexy brunette Penthouse Pet/Playboy TV host and popular porn star  appeared on my show was January of 2009 when we celebrated Obama’s first US presidential win with our famous Eros Day Orgy for Obama Inaugural Ball.  So it’s almost magical that Jessica’s back to celebrate Obama’s second big win, along with Max’s 69th.  Her black transparent dress reveals that underneath she’s wearing nothing at all on her fabulously toned, Jessica Rabbitish body.  But for those of us in need of absolute proof, she strips it off completely, spends several juicy minutes in a pair of our “emergency panties,” then donates them to the Panty Boy Collection.  We also talk about the senselessly destructive effects of Measure B on Jessica’s own business and on the adult industry in general throughout Los Angeles.  Whether the porn movie-making will move to Pasadena, Long Beach Vegas, Ventura or just go underground is anybody’s guess, but one thing’s for sure: Measure B is LA’s Loss.

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