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Petraeus-Gate in BonoboVille: Centaur Sex, Military Fetishists & DNA Exploding Everywhere!


Petraeus-Gate in BonoboVille: Vicky Vixen as General-Loving  Socialite Jill Kelley, Dr. Suzy mounting Petraeus the Centaur, Jaslyn Lee as the Cocksucking Corporate Media and Washington Elite, Brock Hard as former CIA chief General David Petraeus, Shay Golden as Hagiographer and Horsewoman Paula Broadwell, Master Liam, producer Tasia Sutor, Capt’n Max. Photo: JuxLii

What has become of “privacy” when even the chief of the CIA can’t carry on a secret love affair without the whole world finding out?  Welcome to the eerie new era of the American Surveillance State (ASS), bastard ... of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) and the Patriot Act, making sure that, whether you’re a terrorist, a mom or a four star general, Big Brother is watching you (yes, you too!), quite possibly without his shirt on.

Out of this perfect frankenstorm of sex, spies, perma-war and deep, penetrating, “All In” surveillance comes “Petraeus-Gate,” one of the biggest poli-sexual messes to ejaculate out of the Beltway since Bill Clinton got a too-sloppy blowjob (though—unlike General P—he managed to hold onto his day job).

Since not everyone in BonoboVille is a poli-sex junkie as addicted to Petraeus-Gate as I am, Capt’n Max and I take the first few minutes of this super sex-educational show to summarize the whole basic convoluted story, using Gawker’s handy-dandy Petraeus-Gate flow chart, embedded in show producer Tasia Sutor’s fabulous patriotic, erotic, military-fetishized set.

And with that, we bring Petraeus-Gate “to life,” Commedia Erotica style, based on the not-too-farfetched notion that Petraeus, his paramour/hagiographer Paula Broadwell and that other “other woman,” Jill Kelley (not the porn star!)—all of them having been laughed out of Washington, Harvard and even Tampa—come out West, bleach their hair blonde and get into porn.

The Characters

David Petraeus:  The former CIA director and four star general is played with laconic sensitivity by recurring guest/porn star Brock Hard AND Master Liam’s wooden horse. Brock gives the spotlight to Petraeus the Centaur (for more about the meaning of the original ancient Greek “Petraeus” who was a mythological centaur, half-man/half-horse, read “Galloping Petraeus,” also posted in Counterpunch).  But in the after-party, Brock takes the lead, living up to his last name and getting it “All In” to his adoring biographer, climaxing with a week’s worth of DNA evidence all over her well-toned tummy.

Paula Broadwell: Petraeus’ svelte hagiographer and gung-ho lover is played with panache by porn star Shay Golden who comes to the part with not only a special love for her leading man (who happens to be her boyfriend) but, in a stroke of accidental type-casting, we discover that Shay is an avid rider, owner and lover of horses because “they are beautiful, amazing and you can train them to do whatever you want.”  But no, she’s never had sex with a horse.  Though when I tell her about the original Petraeus being a centaur, she exclaims, “I wish that was real—I would definitely have sex with it!”  She does ride the wooden horse/centaur while making out with Brock as Petraeus and Jill Kelley/Vicky Vixen, then rides the Sybian to multiple orgasms and spends most of the after-party having hot spy sex with the Spy Chief who winds up leaking classified information all over her beautiful belly.

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