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Antidote to Mass-Murder is Massive Musical Orgy of Love, Lights and the Bill of Rights

Antidote to Mass-Murder is Massive Musical Orgy of Love, Lights and the Bill of Rights

Samantha Fairley, Catherine Imperio. Dr. Suzy holding Bill of Rights, Jewels Jade, Jay Voom (row 2) Producer Tasia Sutor, Brock Hard, The Dogons, Max Hardcore, Shay Golden. Photo: JuxLii

With shocking news of the Sandy Hook massacre painfully fresh in our minds, many of us are searching for ways to process and combat the evil that would drive a fellow human to mass murder, as we gather in churches, mosques and temples around the nation.   Here in the Womb Roomsanctuary of our “Church” of BonoboVille, we ethical hedonists also gather together to honor the fallen and fight evil with its opposite and, in a way, its antidote: love.  And I’m not just talking about ethereal love for God or humankind; I’m talking about physical love: hugging, touching, rubbing, kissing and yes, making love, e.g., having sex.   It’s the Bonobo Way of peace through pleasure.  From the Olympian hardcore lovemaking of a husband and wife to the communal ecstasy that envelopes the congregation as we dance, drum, spank, suck, fuck, squirt and revel in live music inspired by ancient tribes, we celebrate the spirit of eros (love), the counterpoint to thanatos (death) throughout this show.

As Lara Riscol, a guest on “Sex vs ...: ... Shots vs Cum Shots: Which Do You Prefer?,”  points out in her excellent essay What Terrorizes Americans Most: ... or Sexual Freedom?(composed after that other ghastly massacre in Aurora), “America treats sex, not ..., as the biggest threat to families and the nation.”  As long as we do that, we can expect more massacres, at home and abroad.  As long as we sanction invasions, executions and drone strikes that kill children, while humiliating a decorated general, not for bombing innocents but for having an affair, why should we be surprised when one of our troubled young men picks up a few of his mom’s prized military-style ... and mass-murders a bunch of kids on his own?

We shouldn’t be, and we aren’t, which is all the more reason we need to summon that spirit of eroswithin and all around us.  Also, it’s the holidays, and we’re in a festive, slightly blasphemous mood.  Not that I’m trying to insult anyone’s religion, but I am the Irreverend Dr. Block, and I do like to have fun with tradition. Nobody but the Pope and Rick Santorum would mind that most of my female guests are clad in skimpy SeXmas red teddies.   But should our Divine Interventions Nativity Scene, including the Baby Jesus butt plug basking in the immaculate nurturance of the Mother Mary dildo, put us over the blasphemy threshold with some of you, just remember: it’s compassionateblasphemy.  After all, it is far better to put Jesus in your butt than shoot him out of the barrel of your Mom’s semiautomatic Bushmaster .223 caliber assault ....

It’s also the auspicious eighth night of the Jewish Festival of Lights which, disturbingly, celebrates a war. But candlelight is romantic, and I love the menorah, so we light three of them, reciting the ancient Hebrew bracha behind a beautiful blazing bonfire, like a burning bush of desire, some of us topless and others garbed in strange masks.  How could such a delightful Hannukah scene be blasphemy?  Maybe I push it a little when I use the shamash candle to drip hot wax on one of my lovely guests’ naked breasts.  Does the fact that she used to be a Sunday school teacher and revels in the irreverence of the moment make it more blasphemous?  It actually struck me as a fine way to celebrate the miraculous fire, and I think, along with Strip Dreidel, it’ll become a BonoboVille Hanukkah tradition .

We also celebrate the antidote to all these crazy religions: the 221st birthday of the Bill of Rights.  Of course, we’re big supporters of the First Amendment which gives us Freedom from Church, as well as Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press and the right to peaceably assemble.  Despite its presence at the top of the list, our government agencies often don’t respect it, and many innocents have gone to prison for it, including my husband Max.  We also love the Fourth Amendment which was the basis of the case we won against the LAPD when they invaded BonoboVille, ... cocked, but fortunately for us all, not shooting.

Back to shooting. The only ... you should be shooting is the one between your legs.  So, when we come to the Second Amendment, especially after Sandy Hook, I’m not feeling too warm and fuzzy.   But then I don’t imagine that the “right of the people to keep and bear marms” was meant to include semiautomatic assault weapons like the attacker’s mom kept around the house.

No doubt, a little ... control would go a long way toward lowering the death count.  Just before the Sandy Hook massacre, another disturbed male assaulted another classroom of children in China.  Since China has strong ... control laws, the attacker used a knife and though he wounded his victims, all of them survived.  So yes, let’s take advantage of the situation and push better ... control through now while the blustering NRA is weak and just slightly ashamed of itself.

But we need to do more than make laws.  This part is trickier, and it’s a lot more difficult for me to say and for us to do, though its just as important to our safety and well-being.  As a society, we need to make to deal more effectively with our mentally ill citizens.  And we need to make it safe for young, loner men at their sexual peak but perhaps their emotional depth to seek help, to talk to someone knowledgeable about what’s bothering them.  Almost inevitably, what’s bothering them has something to do with sex, usually involving shame and humiliation.


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