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Xxtra Cialis

This show is one swirling mixed-up cocktail of calls, convos, oral sex (or is it?), crushes, pheromones, anti-bullying fervor, wild hair and extra Cialis. Fun, fizzy and surprisingly potent towards the end… Listen at your own risk.

We start out with shout-outs (and the ghost of a yo-yo) to a few peeps and cakes we love, recalling the emerald splendor, copper moon, Vice chat, Charlotte Stokely’s feet and the marvelous after-party kitchen orgy that baptized me in Shay Lynn’s Holy Water just before my 22nd Wedding Anniversary connubial conjoining with Capt’n Max. More shout-outs to Frank von Zerneck for the Moviegoer interview that everyone’s listening to, HBO who keeps rerunning all my Radio Sex TV shows and segments on Real Sex, and Cannabelly whose transcendent lip balm got me through an awful flu. Then we take a call from Tempest Storm’s PR gal and fetish performer Jamie Vega who loves girls almost as much as Max does. Then Brad calls to ask if he should tell his sex therapist he has a major “transference” crush on her. Max confesses to taking “extra Cialis” when he saw my Pandora gives us a peek into her box and Trixie shows her cupcakes (actually just one cupcake this show). Max perplexes Jamie with his challenge to tell the audio difference between noisily sipping a Cosmo and greedily sucking a pussy. Nevertheless, Jamie wins a free membership in DrSuzy.Tv and Bonoboville.

A heated discussion ensues about bullying and what to do about it, stimulated by a touching open letter I received from Chris Gagliardi who was physically bullied as a kid with infantile autism. Bullying is rampant throughout human society, always targeting the weak, the easy “wins.” It starts at the top with the MIC (Military Industrial Complex) dropping bombs on innocents to make a point. Then a father bullies his ... as “discipline,” and the message that “might is right” filters down to the schoolbus bullies who torment kids like Chris. Just to make that point, now trending on Twitter:#MyNYPD and #MyLAPDshow scenes of police brutality and abuse of power. Talk about the biggest bullies setting the example for the next generation.

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Topics: Cialis, xxtra, HBO, bullying
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