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Everton's James Vaughan and Scott Buy FFXI Gil
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Everton's James Vaughan and Scott Buy FFXI Gil

Wednesday, May 20, 2015 2:22 am - 5:22 am
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Everton's James Vaughan and Scott Buy FFXI Gil Phelan represented EnglandUnder-17s as they strolled to an absorbing 4-0 win over Belarus inSanta Croce sull'Arno.The adolescent Blues duo were in acceptable anatomy as a first-half strikefrom Myles Weston, a Hogan Ephraim brace and a apology from JoeGarner gave England a absolute win.Vaughan went abutting with two headers in the aboriginal half, but itwas Phelan who had a duke in the aperture goal.The midfielder abrupt a able brawl over the aback of the Belarusdefence breadth Aleh Veratsila was apathetic to react, acceptance theimpressive Weston to hunt in and abduct the ball.The Charlton Able-bodied midfielder ran bright of the draft of thedefence, took the brawl into the apology breadth and accursed a low,left-footed advance able Khomliak from 16 yards out.Phelan lasted the absolute 90 minutes, while Vaughan wassubstituted with 10 annual to go. England face Turkey on Thursdayin Pontedera.


Everton affluence yield on Bolton Wanderers in their final reservegame of the analysis at Southport's Haig Avenue arena tonight(kick off 7.00 pm).The club are acquisitive that as abounding supporters as accessible appear toSouthport FC in acknowledgment of the reserves' efforts thisseason.Many of the youngsters, who were acceptable for the club'sUnder-18 ancillary this season, acquire played in balance of 40 amateur atAcademy and Assets levels.A win tonight would see them leapfrog Wolves into sixth abode inthe assets table, although abounding teams acquire amateur in duke in theToffees.However, that is still a arresting ability by Holden andhis ancillary who acquire arguably been the youngest in this season'sreserve league.Once again, the aggregation has a acclimatized attending about it with Academyscholars authoritative up the all-inclusive majority of Andy Holden'ssquad.Eddy Bosnar and Guillaume Plessis are alleged in the starting calendar as the Blues aim to end their advance on a high.Sean Lake continues Cheap FFXI Gil  in goal, with Sean Wright, Laurence Wilson,Mark Hughes and Bosnar authoritative up the aback four.In midfield with Plessis are James Harris, Christian Seargeantand Icelandic jailbait Bjarni Thor Vidarsson.Up foreground is Victor Anichebe, who has denticulate two goals in hislast two matches and Paul Hopkins, who has been in absorbing formfor the Academy.

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