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Premiership hardest so I come to this
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Premiership hardest so I come to this

Tuesday, September 29, 2015 2:57 am - 5:57 am
new york
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fifa16coins4u sports news: beat Crystal Palace 1-0, three ahead of Chelsea got his wish to win the Premier League title this season. This is Mourinho "malignancy" Chelsea won the first Premier fifa 16 xbox 360 coins League title. After the match, Mourinho also spirited accepted the media interview.

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"And for me, it is a wonderful feeling, perhaps, I should go to another country and the league, led another team to score a relatively easy to get the title, but I'm not the kind of person that I choose the most difficult in Europe to win the league. "Mourinho said.

"I like the challenge, but I won, so I'm very happy because I won a Premier League title, especially after the past few years, the second time I took over Chelsea. Perhaps, today's Nothing can make us finish the game, but today's game was that we did end the fighting. "

This week is hard for Mourinho, as Mourinho's father was ill, talked about this, he said: "On Wednesday we can play against Leicester after the game ended, I immediately aboard a private jet back fifa 16 ps3 coins, I accompanied him through a difficult surgery time, and now his physical condition is much better, which makes me a lot of confidence. "

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