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we must allow FIFA to Buy Fifa Coins become more transparent
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we must allow FIFA to Buy Fifa Coins become more transparent

Monday, November 2, 2015 10:04 am - 1:04 pm
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Media noted that the current Blatter and Platini have been suspended 90 days, and if the new evidence, then Blatter for fifa 16 coins for 17-year rule will be completely full stop, while Prati Nepal's political career are bound football destruction.

In an interview, de Huch member of the FIFA Executive Committee said, "I have never faced such a situation, our President and the Secretary are temporarily suspended, we must allow FIFA to buy fifa 16 coins become more transparent, can not repeat the problem happened, I do not know why you want to postpone the elections, but the most important for the future of FIFA. "

Of course, Platini and Blatter are not willing to be suspended, and now they have appealed to the FIFA Appeal Committee. Both men consider themselves to be innocent, and the subsequent impact of this incident immeasurable, media that fifa 16 android coins president election in February whether scheduled unknown.

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