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The return for buying FIFA packs with FP
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The return for buying FIFA packs with FP

Friday, December 25, 2015 4:43 am - 7:43 am
new york
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I dunno how did we reach this point, as previously in last years editions, you could probably pack higher rated players when buying packs with FP than when U do buy cheap fifa 16 coins. That's why a lot here used to invest in some FP during the year to get better packs as the return was indeed good.

This year, it has been the worst for many, including myself as one of the most unlucky persons who invested around (500$ on Xbox) & (400$ on PS) for FIFA Points with only getting one card which can be called a good one (TOTS Sanchez on PS).

Imagine for 500$ on Xbox I never buy fifa 16 coins packed any good card or over 86?

No Legends or Informs !

On the other hand, opening some fifa packs with coins was highly better in comparison which is really weird, still no great fifa packs but at least was better than those FP ones !

I wonder why do EA cheap fifa 16 coins act like this, as instead of winning more money from me buying additional FP which I would have done next year, I decided I would never do it again, so why?

That's not a personal Rant thread, just wondering what's the business model behind forcing customers to feel this & stop investing in game?

Do You have an answer?

I wondered once if Legends really exist on xbox when I saw the return for investing all this money to get one even a lower rated like 86 or something but never did. Felt like, What am I doing here if Legends was the only reasons for me shifting from PS to Xbox one, so went back to PS which was just slightly better but not much, but at least I know that Legends for sure donot exist on PS
BUY fifa 16 coins in online now... Merry Christmas! come on!

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