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Sarah Pregnant With Black Baby on Board!

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Hi everybody!  I know it has been a long time since I wrote a Blog so a lot of you have probably been wondering what ever happened to Sarah and Bobby.  Well I’m sorry to have been out of touch but so many things have been happening to me that we just sort of drifted away from the CS scene for a while----we probably slipped out of the top ten ratings!---but that is life----it sometimes overwhelms you!

Well, where can I begin to catch up with it all?  Maybe I can go back about  nine months ago when Big Leon’s army Brigade got demobilized out of Iraq.  Leon finished up his tour of duty and came back to a stateside posting for what was supposed to be a year but it worked out to a bit less before they shipped him off to Afghanistan in the latest “surge.” Well, anyway Big Leon got back and was posted to the Presidio up in San Francisco and he spent the first three months with his wife an kids up there. Then he got a chance to take a three week vacation in Jamaica he won on a game show and he arranged it so that he would take me with him (not telling his wife of course) and letting her think he was on special assignment. So we lay on the beach and made the scene in Kingston and God!----Big Leon was sexually at his most aggressive every night!---I was in seventh heaven with his 11 inches hard up me two or three times a day and sucking his massive cock under the sheets and then swimming on the beach and drinking Bacardi till we dropped!  It was really the most wonderful experience of my life!


But like all things in life, heaven and perfection cannot last forever and I ran into a brick wall of trouble as soon as we got off the plane from Jamaica in Los Angeles.  I had told Bobby our flight number before we left and I expected him to pick us up at LAX airport. But when we got there he was nowhere to be seen.  We grabbed a taxi instead and I was getting ready to give him a cursing out for not meeting us, but when we got home we found a note left under the door by our neighbor, Cristina Mendoza, that Bobby was in jail. Christina Mendoza is  number seven in the bureaucracy at the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office and is tipped for a future judge and rising Chicana politician---our neighbor, and she had become a close friend of mine along with her 16 year old ... Samantha, who often came over to visit.   I raced over to Christina’s house and she sat us down and explained what happened.


Two days after Big Leon and I left she grounded Samantha for being out after 2 am. The next day when she came home Samantha was gone. She called all her friends and couldn’t find her. Then one of her friends let it out that Samantha had gone over to our house. Samantha is wild and oversexed----walking trouble!  Christina had the devil of a time controlling her at all. Well when she heard that Samantha was over here after 2am she popped a gasket and stormed through the gate into our backyard and into our house shouting for Samantha.  Then Bam! All hell broke loose.  It seems Samantha had made a pet project to seduce Bobby by sharing some of her dresses  with him and he would cross-dress for her and she would make him up with a hairdo and makeover with cosmetics. Bobby still had a lot of hidden hostility in him from losing his place in my life to my black bulls, Big Leon and Marty, though he didn’t show it openly.  It seems he wanted to take out some of his aggression and apparently get some of his manhood back by getting into a thing with Samantha and she was hot to rebel against her overcontrolling DA Mom by getting into his pants.  Well push came to shove and Christina walked into our living room and caught Samantha “in flagrante delicto” as the criminal complaint stated it---she caught Samantha naked with her legs sprawled out and Bobby in Samantha’s own dress with his tongue up her cunt!  Christina dragged Bobby out from between her legs by his bouffant hair which Samantha had done him up in in a makeover, and slammed him onto the floor, ripping Samantha’s evening dress off him and cursing the daylights out of both him and her in Spanish that wouldn’t stop! In a second she was on her mobile phone and the whole neighborhood was a police car park with sirens and flashers blazing!

That was over two weeks ago and Bobby was still in LA Central Jail. Big Leon went with me to help me get him out, but he didn’t know too much about how things worked, so he called his best friend and my Number 2 Bull, Marty, who was back to working as a Parole Officer for the County and so Marty, Leon and me went down to the jail to see if we could make bail for him. But trouble likes company, and when we got there we found that Bobby was not there but that he had been transferred to the lock-down unit of LA County Hospital. As we caught up with the story---Eileen had him charged with felony ... Molestation for tounging her daughters pussy, though Samantha is really something of a nympho teen rebel and probably engineered the whole thing just to get back at her mother. When Bobby was moved into the general population of the Jail and it got around that he was in for ... Molestation of a Chicana he was targeted by three Chicano gangs and over two weeks was raped sixteen times, which only stopped when he was taken to the hospital with his anus sliced open with a broken bottle and after losing three pints of ....  It was a miracle after all that he still tested HIV Negative.


Well, after several days we went to court and got him released into my custody. Then he went for a Preliminary Hearing and Marty was able to work the back room in the DA’s office to cut a plea bargain deal that got him a suspended sentence. The judge was a friend of Christina’s so she got some special conditions imposed.  Bobby now has to wear an ankle bracelet, and for the first time in the state’s history, the judge imposed a probation condition that he has to wear a Chastity and undergo a “Chemical Castration”---not as bad as it sounds---he has to take two drugs, Cyproterone and Depo Provera and wear a chastity anytime out of his own bedroom and toilet. Christina got Marty, my Number 2 Bull assigned as Bobby’s Parole Officer, so Marty has the legal right to bust down Bobby’s door at any time and check his parole compliance and violate him into Prison if he is out of compliance.  After the sixteen anal rapes in jail Bobby is terrified of ever going back inside and now he is on absolute model behavior.  Marty also has a thing about cross-dressing Bobby in maid’s clothing and a real stickler about getting the feminine details right----that is not from Bobby’s terms of probation but is Marty’s own little thing for Bobby, and Bobby is learning to dress like a real lady’s maid movie perfect at all times!

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But, all of that is water over the dam and we have adjusted. We had the Obama Nobel Prize party where we repeated and enhanced everything we did at the Inaugural Party. Marty was still pissed off from Bobby giving him a hard time at the Inaugural party, and this time he was going to enforce the law with a vengeance! He had Michelle give Bobby a complete makeover, and the Court Ordered Depo Provera was budding out his titties nicely to match the maid uniform Marty brought for him to wear.  When President Obama got the Nobel Prize on television I rammed home 18 inches of ebony blackness up Bobby’s recently healed anus and the one-hundred good friends in our house went wild with the joy of the moment! Then Bobby put on his Geisha Girl outfit that I brought back from Japan for him and he alternated with kow-towing to my bulls and all the brothers and sisters at the party and serving them thimble glasses of saki!

But all of that is in the past.  That little patch of trouble is behind us, and life is always a mixture of joy and woe, bliss and misfortune.

Now for the big news! Oh My God---I am so, so, so, so happy!  Two months after I got back from Jamaica with Big Leon I missed my period!  Then a trip to the OB-GYN confirmed everything! I am pregnant with Baby Leon---Big Leon’s black baby boy!  We had an amniocentisis done taking some of the fluid from the womb with the baby’s cells in it for tests and the tests confirmed that the baby is indeed a healthy black baby boy with mine and Big Leon’s DNA!  Oh God, God, God, God I am so, so deliriously HAPPY!  THE AMERICAN DREAM HAS FINALLY COME FULLY TRUE FOR ME!----BLACK BABY ON BOARD!  Oh my GodI am in seventh heaven! Every night I have had Big  Leon’s manly Daddy-Black-Cock up inside me and I can feel the manly Black Cock of Baby Leon growing and beginning to move inside me as well!

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Big Leon was very gentle once I was carrying, and though his Beautiful Black Cock is huge he was very careful to take care for Baby Leon while he made love to me!  I have been in absolute heaven for months, but fate finally caught up to us when Big Leon got orders to ship out for Afghanistan with a promotion as the second in command of his Military Police Brigade.  That’s good because it allows him to give me enough money without troubling his own wife and kids. Bobby is not bringing in too much as he is off on something called SSI Disability due to the psychological effects of the jailhouse rapes, so Big Leon’s money comes in handy---and I make a bit too doing translations on the computer working at home.

Now I am getting really big and it slows me down. My breasts are filling up with milk and I sometimes let Big Leon suckle a bit just for fun!  I hear the breastfeeding is important for the baby but I don’t want to get too tied down to it----I’m especially impatient getting up in the middle of the night----especially with Big Leon’s super-black-cock hard beside me! Plus I hear that as long as you breast-feed your period lapses and you can’t get pregnant again. I want more black cocks growing inside me soon! We talked the problem over and Marty hit on the idea that Bobby can help out! He saw a short Australian film “Milkmen” that showed amazingly enough that men can also develop mild in their breasts for breastfeeding.  Marty had the court double the dose of Depo Provera and Cyproterone and he got an electric high-powered breast pump. Bobby’s titties are now filling out very nicely and he spends about four hours a day on the breast pump trying to induce lactation. The doctor said it is certain that he will have some milk by the time Baby Leon arrives, but it is not clear how much or if it would be enough. I will nurse him of course, but we want Bobby to do the night shift and ultimately take over so I can get my period back to normal for Big Leon when he gets back from Afghanistan.  Probably Bobby will have to supplement his milk with formula in a bottle, but he can do the night shift and allow me to get some proper .... If he runs out of milk he can use the bottled formula or some of my milk I put in the refrigerator from using the breast pump. Then when the baby has had his fill then Baby Leon can suckle on Bobby’s nipples through the night to keep him from getting anxious! With the Depo Provera Bobby’s nipples are already getting dark like my own! He is expressing a little milk now at the end of each electric breast-pump session and the doctor says with the increased Depo Provera and estrogen dosages and the Prolactin he is taking he will probably make it by delivery time!  To tell you the truth I find it sexy when Bobby licks my cunt with Baby Leon kicking inside me and sometimes when we lie side by side and our titties wet each other!


Well my dear CuckoldSpace friends, that is how life has been transformed for us in the last few monthsEveryting changes and nothing stays the same but we’ve had a lot  more ups than downs and the American Dream is coming true---growing inside me! Wish me good luck with the delivery!  Big Leon unfortunately will be in Afghanistan when Baby Leon comes, but Marty will be standing in for him. We arranged for Bobby to be in the delivery room with me, in a nurse’s uniform, and he will video film the delivery and send the video to Big Leon in Kabul when Black Baby Leon’s lovely black head pushes out between my lips down thereBobby is a good photographer and I want to see the look on his face as he films the black head coming out and then the wee wee black cock between his legs as they place him on my belly to cut the umbilical!  From the Sonograms we already found out that Baby Leon’s little wee wee black cock is already bigger than Bobby’s little thing that’s left down there! It will be a cute toy for him to play with while he is nursing and we already had some “Hello Kitty” tattoos inked in over Bobby’s pubic area and around his titties! Wish me luck!

Thanks to everybody!  My American Dream has really come true now that my Black Baby is On Board!


Luv Ya All!


Sarah! PS

: Here are some photos from the past few months if you have been wondering what we have been up to!

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