October 9, 2013
August 20, 2013
Beginning Video Exec.
Not a Thriving business so can't pay; unless your footage acquires said funds, to which you will be compensated.
August 6, 2011
Love the site as is, wish i had the means to travel at this time then i would have more feedback. I am however willing to do what i can to assist the site as well as the needy women/couples.

June 27, 2011
Truly interested in those willing to go further in the lifestyle, but willing to please those in need. West KY; but unable to travel at present, though not out of the running by far.

September 5, 2013
Sry so long getting back, grizizm@yahoo; is where i frequent feel free to get in touch with me. I'm in West KY at present, if enough persons want to come i will get a suite and we can all get acquaint...
April 12, 2012
July 11, 2011
Forever Friend
I realize that the world has become such a colaboration of Bullshit that something as simple as friend has gotten to be an oddity. Married now and it only took this one time to know it wasn't for me, ...