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CHGOcuckseeksHOTWIFE-4-marriag e

Lives in Chicago, Illinois United States · Born on July 28, 1967
I would be very happy to find a woman who would like to become a Hotwife in a marriage or a HotWoman in an LTR (..and have a cuckolded husband who is extremely supportive of our lifestyle and too is sexually active with her before during or after her sexual needs are meet by others). A woman whom really wants a cuckold of her own to laud over would be fine as well a submissive woman. I am dominate by nature however I do have a sweet tooth so to speak for strong FLR's as well. If you live in the Chicago greater metropolitan area, in Wisconsin or in Indiana and you are a woman and would like to learn more about what it is I am looking for or more about me please do ask ask. My public and greater personality is not submissive but dominate however if the right woman where to "insist" she could push me over with a feather. I would be completely owned by her and I would be keep her safe. I hope this is all makes some sense to someone ...
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1 Ratings
Relationship status:
July 28, 1967
Last Login:
August 28, 2012
Member Since:
August 27, 2012
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Actually the movies on this website are GREAT ! Thanks....
I like a variety... sort of fits don't you think ?...smiling..
A smart. She will take what she wants without being crass about it accidentally and if she is crass about it you can be sure it's no accident, she flaunts it even if it involves my helping her get it.

Smart in her thoughts and words. Maybe a professional woman as I am one myself although she doesn't have to be. She should be open to more than just BBC as it seems exclusively every woman on this site is.

Age rage 18-60 (why not have a big age range I think to myself, you never know who possess the qualities I am looking for).

I am financially secure and if you are as well, if you are a retired, semi-retired or otherwise financially secure and you are looking for a future LTR to enjoy this lifestyle with I am open to relocating anywhere in the United States.

If you have any question please do get in touch... I plan on being on this for a long while until I find the woman I am compatible with. Either a naturally very submissive (who wants to be controlled and ruled over) or a very dominate female who wants to control or have Female Lead Relationship.... in both instances it's about intensity. Such relationships might involve Humiliation (even if it is mild...,me arranging dates for you, you fucking my friends, boot licking, etc.... strictness without the stress of being to loud or irate is important.... the power of a well timed smile is incredible when it means ..."better not do that or say that"....

Write Soon I'd love to find you...
fluffing (I am not at all bi-sexual, sorry)