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Topic: hotwife

MiniVans and No-Tell Motels
I recently met one of my Girl Friends (A cheater) at my favorite no-tell mo-tell.... as I was leaving (well drained), I looked around in the parking lot... about half of the vehicles there were MiniVa...
Topics: Hotwife, Cuckold
Memorable moments
Memorable moments.... things said to me over the years that turn me on still “Be gentle!” ( hour later...) “It's not like I'm a virgin, but you're so big, and I'm kinda small...I thought...
Hotwife Commandments
Hotwife Commandments<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> <o:p> </o:p>   Have fun. This experience might be for BOTH you and your husban...
Lifestyle 101
I have always enjoyed different things sexually.  Call me a pervert or call me interesting.  Looking at my life, I have tried LOTS of things in my life.  I remember the first time I went to a swing c...